Tar Spot cost U.S. farmers more than 231 million bushels of corn in 2021, according to the Crop Protection Network, and regionalized outbreaks were reported in eight states in 2022. By knowing how to recognize and manage Tar Spot, farmers can help keep it from having a significant impact on their 2023 yields — so NK Seeds has compiled products, tools and agronomic tips to help farmers gain control of their fields before Tar Spot takes hold.
Forecasts for 2023 are predicting an El Niño climate pattern, potentially ushering in drastic temperature swings and periods of excessive rainfall — and that can set the stage for fungal and foliar diseases like Tar Spot, which has been increasing in the U.S. over the last few years and has posed challenges recently for many farmers in the Midwest. As a foliar disease that thrives in wet conditions and is spread by wind and machinery, Tar Spot reduces a plant’s ability to take in sunlight, feed the ear and make grain.
“Because Tar Spot is a relatively new disease, there’s still a knowledge gap around its management practices,” says Dolch. “We’ve created a wealth of agronomic materials, tips and videos to help farmers overcome this gap and gain confidence in their ability to mitigate the effects of this yield-robbing disease.”

In addition to recommending hybrids with disease resistance, Dolch says there are other steps that farmers can take to get ahead of potential Tar Spot pressure this growing season. “Fortunately, with early identification, careful management and thoughtful hybrid selection, farmers can control Tar Spot and slow its spread,” he says. He provides this checklist:
Rule out other diseases. “Tar Spot lesions have a raised, bumpy texture that does not rub off,” he says. While other late-season diseases like Common Rust or Southern Rust also appear as small, dark spots, they’re easy to rub off. Likewise, late-season degradation presents small dots, but these saprophytic organisms that help break down plant tissue in the fall lack the bumpy texture of Tar Spot.
Look at placement and movement. The disease begins on lower corn leaves and moves to the upper plant and ear husks. Inspect plants carefully. Tar Spot appears on both sides of healthy and dead plant tissue.
Apply fungicide when needed. Keep in mind that early fungicide applications, at or before the first signs of development, have been effective against Tar Spot in trials. Be sure to use multiple active ingredients.
Consider a two-pass fungicide program. This is important during a cool, wet spring, when conditions are favorable for Tar Spot development. Crop rotation and tillage are also important. Consider rotating to crops other than corn and using tillage to bury residue. This can help to reduce fungus inoculum levels.
“By planting hybrids with resistance to Tar Spot, farmers can delay disease development, which helps minimize yield loss during the grain fill stages,” says Matt Dolch, NK Seeds Corn Product Manager. “NK genetics have been proven to be resistant to common diseases, including Tar Spot — that makes our hybrids an essential tool for keeping Tar Spot in check in susceptible fields.”

Consult your NK sales representative, agronomist or the NK Seed Guide to choose the right hybrid for fields with a history of Tar Spot. A state-by-state list of products to consider:
NK1026 brand

Provides strong agronomics with high yield potential. It’s an excellent choice for higher-managed acres, and it features improved plant health with better roots and stalks, along with strong adaptation for the Central to Eastern Corn Belt.
NK1188 brand

Features consistent yield potential and agronomics across environments. Farmers will note its attractive plant height and ear placement. They’ll also appreciate its improved test weight and grain quality and dependable drought tolerance.
NK1239 brand

Combines strong agronomics with good grain quality. It’s a good choice for higher-managed acres in the Central to Eastern Corn Belt and features improved plant integrity with better roots and stalks for the maturity group. It’s a tall and leafy hybrid for dual-purpose silage potential.
NK1661 brand

Features excellent yield potential across the entire Corn Belt with Artesian™ technology. Its strong disease package and plant health provide crop rotation flexibility, and its dependable stalks and roots allow for population flexibility across all environments.
NK1188-AA brand

Features consistent yield potential and agronomics across environments. Farmers will note its attractive plant height and ear placement. They’ll also appreciate its improved test weight and grain quality and dependable drought tolerance.
NK1523 brand

High-end yield potential and agronomic stability. Farmers will note its consistent yield potential in a broadly adapted hybrid, along with a strong and robust root structure and excellent yield potential with increased management.
NK0243 brand

Excellent agronomics in a broadly adapted hybrid. Its strong stalks and roots deliver season-long standability; it also delivers strong late-season plant health for harvest flexibility. This hybrid’s great emergence and vigor promote fast stand establishment in cooler environments.
NK0440 brand

This hybrid is recognizable by its tall, attractive plant type that delivers yield potential through variable environments. It adapts to all soil types for ease of placement. And it features strong stalks for harvest flexibility and a semi-flex ear that enables competitive yields across diverse environments.
NK9175 brand

Top-end yield potential with broad adaptation. This hybrid features an exceptional early disease package paired with consistent performance that brings exciting yield potential to this maturity range. It offers outstanding drought tolerance in the Northern Corn Belt.
Consistent yield potential with improved agronomics and grain quality. Features excellent plant health with strong roots and stalks, along with consistent performance on poorly drained and variable soils. This is a central- and western-adapted hybrid with excellent test weight.
Combines high yield potential with strong agronomics. Also provides improved plant health with better roots and stalks. It’s an excellent choice for medium- to high-yield environments. This is a broadly adapted hybrid with very good test weight.
NK1082 brand

Excellent yield potential across the entire Corn Belt with Artesian technology. This broadly adapted hybrid fits all yield environments. It features a moderate plant stature with great emergence for an earlier planting window. Its flexible trait offering is a step change in above- and below-ground management.
NK1188-AA brand

Features consistent yield potential and agronomics across environments. Farmers will note its attractive plant height and ear placement. They’ll also appreciate its improved test weight and grain quality and dependable drought tolerance.
Combines high yield potential with strong agronomics. Also provides improved plant health with better roots and stalks. It’s an excellent choice for medium- to high-yield environments. This is a broadly adapted hybrid with very good test weight.
NK1523 brand

High-end yield potential and agronomic stability. Farmers will note its consistent yield potential in a broadly adapted hybrid, along with a strong and robust root structure and excellent yield potential with increased management.
NK1661 brand

Features excellent yield potential across the entire Corn Belt with Artesian Technology. Its strong disease package and plant health provide crop rotation flexibility, and its dependable stalks and roots allow for population flexibility across all environments.
NK0243 brand

Excellent agronomics in a broadly adapted hybrid. Its strong stalks and roots deliver season-long standability; it also delivers strong late-season plant health for harvest flexibility. This hybrid’s great emergence and vigor promote fast stand establishment in cooler environments.
Consistent yield performance on variable soils. Farmers will want to look at this hybrid for outstanding grain quality and test weight, solid agronomics with excellent greensnap tolerance, and a very good response to fertility and fungicides.
NK1082 brand

Excellent yield potential across the entire Corn Belt with Artesian technology. This broadly adapted hybrid fits all yield environments. It features a moderate plant stature with great emergence for an earlier planting window. Its flexible trait offering is a step change in above- and below-ground management.
NK1188-AA brand

Features consistent yield potential and agronomics across environments. Farmers will note its attractive plant height and ear placement. They’ll also appreciate its improved test weight and grain quality and dependable drought tolerance.
NK9175 brand

Notable for its consistent performance that brings exciting yield potential to this maturity range, paired with an exceptional early disease package and outstanding disease tolerance for the Northern Plains.
Combines high yield potential with strong agronomics. Also provides improved plant health with better roots and stalks. It’s an excellent choice for medium- to high-yield environments. This is a broadly adapted hybrid with very good test weight.
Consistent yield performance on variable soils. Farmers will want to look at this hybrid for outstanding grain quality and test weight, solid agronomics with excellent greensnap tolerance, and a very good response to fertility and fungicides.
© 2023 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label and bag tag instructions; only those labeled as tolerant to glufosinate may be sprayed with glufosinate ammonium-based herbicides.
LibertyLink®, Liberty® and the Water Droplet logo are registered trademarks of BASF. HERCULEX® and the HERCULEX Shield are trademarks of Corteva Agriscience LLC. HERCULEX Insect Protection technology by Corteva Agriscience LLC.
Under federal and local laws, only dicamba-containing herbicides registered for use on dicamba-tolerant varieties may be applied. See product labels for details and tank mix partners. Golden Harvest® and NK® soybean varieties are protected under granted or pending U.S. variety patents and other intellectual property rights, regardless of the trait(s) within the seed. The Enlist E3® soybean, LibertyLink®, LibertyLink® GT27®, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield® and XtendFlex® soybean traits may be protected under numerous United States patents. It is unlawful to save soybeans containing these traits for planting or transfer to others for use as a planting seed. Only dicamba formulations that employ VaporGrip® Technology are approved for use with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® and XtendFlex® soybeans. Only 2,4-D choline formulations with Colex-D® Technology are approved for use with Enlist E3® soybeans. ENLIST E3® soybean technology is jointly developed with Corteva Agriscience LLC and M.S. Technologies, L.L.C. The ENLIST trait and ENLIST Weed Control System are technologies owned and developed by Corteva Agriscience LLC. ENLIST® and ENLIST E3® are trademarks of Corteva Agriscience LLC. GT27® is a trademark of M.S. Technologies, L.L.C. and BASF. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, XtendFlex® and YieldGard VT Pro® are registered trademarks used under license from the Bayer Group.
Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.