AgriPro®: Offers top-performing, locally-adapted varieties that target high yield potential and quality grain
Cruiser® 5FS: Delivers superior insect protection and enhances crop vigor
CruiserMaxx® Vibrance® Cereals: Enhances root health, expanded disease protection and wireworm defense
Vibrance® Extreme: Promotes effective seedling germination, robust stands and more heads
Axial Bold: Delivers improved consistency and broad-spectrum control of top grass weeds
Axial® XL: Offers exceptional tank-mix flexibility and consistent control of wild oat and green foxtail
Talinor™: Delivers excellent standalone control of more than 45 difficult broadleaf weeds
Karate with Zeon Technology®: Provides long-lasting control of primary and secondary insect pests
Warrior II with Zeon Technology®: Offers broad-spectrum foliar insect control
Miravis®Ace: Provides best-in-class head scab control and application flexibility
Quilt Xcel®: Delivers broad-spectrum disease control and plant-health benefits
Trivapro®: Delivers harder-working, longer-lasting disease control and plant-health benefits
Palisade® EC: Reduces lodging and improves standability to maximize yield potential and protect investment
Spray earlier for head scab with Miravis® Ace fungicide. Learn more and earn CEU credit by taking the learning module.
Examine the best management practices, the pests that threaten yield and the products that help grow more wheat.
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See how the hardest-working, longest-lasting fungicide performed. View performance photos, testimonials, yield data and more.
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© Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. The trademarks or service marks displayed or otherwise used herein are the property of a Syngenta Group Company.