Controlling many diseases including strobilurin-resistant frogeye leaf spot, Quadris Top® SBX fungicide provides broad-spectrum preventive and curative disease control. Quadris Top SBX also offers stress management benefits to promote plant growth.
Azoxystrobin, Difenoconazole
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© Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status.
Product performance assumes disease presence. Photos are either the property of Syngenta or used under agreement. Besiege and Endigo ZC are Restricted Use Pesticides. Besiege and Endigo ZC are highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops and weeds. Do not apply these products or allow them to drift onto blooming plants while bees are foraging adjacent to the treatment area. Besiege®, Endigo®, Quadris Top®, the Alliance Frame and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Aproach® is a trademark of DuPont. Priaxor® is a trademark of BASF.