Ace your field.
Ace your yield.
Scroll to see how Miravis® Ace fungicide stacks up against competitive brands and the untreated acre. Plus, use the menu above to find individual trials by state.
Other Brands Can’t Keep Up with Miravis Ace
Miravis Ace vs. Prosaro® 421 SC across 33 trials1
Miravis Ace vs. Caramba® across 12 trials2
Break free from less effective fungicides and start seeing 5 to 6 more bushels per acre with Miravis Ace. Powered by the most powerful SDHI, Adepidyn® technology, Miravis Ace defends your field from head scab and other diseases long after spraying – for cleaner and greener crops and heftier potential yields at harvest.
When it comes to fighting Fusarium head blight (head scab), Miravis Ace takes the stress out of head scab control by allowing applications as early as 50% head emergence through flowering.
The numbers speak for themselves.
The numbers speak for themselves.
The Miravis brand family outyields competitive brands and untreated acres with powerful disease control for cleaner and greener crops. Find out how much potential profit you can gain by using our online revenue calculator.
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Depend on Miravis Ace to Enhance Plant Health
Miravis Ace helps wheat mitigate multiple sources of stress, so the plant can put more energy towards maximizing grain-fill.
Miravis Ace reduces disease incidence to help lower DON levels and improve grain quality.
Increased water-use efficiency helps prevent water loss so wheat can withstand dry conditions.
Get Better Results When You Apply Miravis Ace
Miravis Ace Yield Response vs. Untreated